wiz-light - v1.0.3


A small and quick library to control your wiz based lights via javascript.

npm install instructions:

npm install wiz-light --save

Quick tutorial to get a green light on wiz based bulb:

const wl = new WizLight(''); // IP address of your light (check from router)

await wl.setLightStatus(true); // to turn the light ON, use false to turn it OFF.

const data = await wl.setLightProps({
r: 0, // red
g: 255, // green
b: 0, // blue
dimming: 100 // strength

Supports options configuration:

const wl = new WizLight('', { // IP address of your light (check from router)
// Port number;
// Default is 38899
port: 38899,

// As all the communication happens over UDP, there is no direct response to the request.
// We have to wait for some time to receive a message from the device to know if the request was served or not, post
// that time the request is considered as failed and retry mechanism kicks in.

// This represents the time that we should wait before retrying.
// Default is 1000ms
statusCheckTimeout: 1000,

// Number of times we should retry a request in case of a failure.
// Default is 5
retryTimes: 5,

This lib would not have been possible without the help that I received from this article: https://aleksandr.rogozin.us/blog/2021/8/13/hacking-philips-wiz-lights-via-command-line

For full documentation, please refer: https://anubhavgupta.github.io/wiz-light/classes/WizLight.html